Partners in learning for social change

Mt. Auburn Associates is a leader in the design and evaluation of strategies to promote the economic well-being of individuals, communities, and regions.

Meet Our Team

Our Mission

Mt. Auburn's mission, from inception, has been consistent — building the potential of communities across the U.S. to provide shared and sustainable improvements in economic well-being. We make an effort to view all our work through a racial equity lens.

Over the past 30 years, Mt. Auburn has developed a keen understanding of how market conditions, power dynamics, and changing demographics can cause economic and social inequities. In our evaluation work, strategic advising projects, as well as our work in the creative industries, we focus on race, equity, and inclusion, ensuring that we represent all members of a community.

Three professional black women smiling and talking at a table

Latest News

Ground-Level Insights from California

Devon Winey co-authors Building Cross-Sector Collaboration Between Health Care and Homeless Services: Ground-Level Insights from California.

The final evaluation of Invest Health

We’re excited to share the Final Report and three Deep-Dive Papers reflecting on Invest Health, a collaborative initiative between Reinvestment Fund and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Career Opportunities

Mt. Auburn is not currently hiring, but we're always looking for rock star talent with diverse perspectives, skill sets, and backgrounds to join our exceptional team!

So, If you want to make an impact while enjoying a rewarding career, please submit your resume and we will contact you if your experience matches our openings in the future.